Convolute Tubes & Convoluted Tubes » Products » Convolute Tubes

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J Stell and Sons Convolute Tubes

convolute tubes

What are they made from?

Stell design and manufacture cardboard convolute tubes. Convolute tubes are made from single sheets of cardboard – chosen to meet the requirements of the application – and various types of adhesives.

What's special about them?

Their structure gives convolute tubes higher beam strength than their spiral equivalent. Smaller inside diameters are easier to achieve and their single-sheet manufacturing process forms a tube able to withstand internal pressure more consistently, which is ideal as pyrotechnic cardboard tubes. Also, their single-sheet manufacturing process makes it easy to create a flap on the outside of the convolutes, which can be of particular advantage in textile applications.

Why buy them from Stell?

We have unrivalled experience and expertise in the manufacture of convolute tubes: we've developed many of our own techniques and processes. We offer the largest range of internal diameters, from 3mm to 101.6mm, and hold a wide variety of cardboard grades in stock. We are the UK's only supplier of smaller convolutes (less than 20mm internal diameter) and offer a huge range of finishing processes to get your tube just how you want it.

What are the typical applications?

Small convolutes are used in:

  • Labels and tapes
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Packaging
  • Reel tubes
  • Roll centres